A New Day!  

Posted by HaRdIeX d bLoG

Haittzzz.. entri kedua yg aku coretkan kali ini.. ermm hari ini adalah hari khamis-29/5/08.. Ya Allah, sekejap sungguh hari-hari berlalu tanpa diri ini sedari akan perubahan waktu. Teringat lagi minggu lepas hari yg sama, kitorg ada community field visit-Nandini factory, alih-alih ni dah minggu depan. Ingatilah surah Al-Asr kawan2 sekalian. Sentuh sedikit mengenai field visit last week, ermmm menarik but meletihkan.. amat. Berjam2 menunggu apa yg diorg nak bagi. alih-alih sekotak susu badam yang diorg bagi.. adeh.. syukur..... hehehehhehe(dalam hati berlambak2 yg mengutuk-siap ade nak boikot lagi susu nandini lepas ni)
Yaaaa.. hari ni agak menarik utk dicoretkan malahan dah takde idea nak buat ape2 dah.. so tulis blog pon cam bes la gak kan.. So, today's started with d clinical posting- ENT.. ear nose and throat.. memang tak dinafikan la, dat this posting is d best so far compared to my previous posting- surgery, OBG, medicine.. why? sebab 1) dr2 yg friendly yg amat... Dr. Anita, Dr. Salman, Dr. Brinda and d PG-kakak amad, Dr. Pooja = sewius bes... 2) diorg sikit jer 4 org doktor and the place is quite small so lebey ukhuwwah org cakap.. hahahah.. sister pon sempoi jer.. siap nak masak lagi dekat kitorg sbb shafi buat lakonan menyedihkan.. so today's posting agak lain sket dari slalu.. although this is the 2nd week we are having this posting. hari ni dr. brinda tak buat kelas lecture but instead some of us pegi OT, and the others dier ajor care2 gune peralatan utk ENT... yaaa itu yg bes tu.. head light, otoscope, macam2 lagi la.. siap dapat direct teaching lagi.. medicine, surgery? tak dapat la direct2 camni sangat.. so gune head light tgk telinga, inspect idung, tekak.. otoscope tgk tympanic membrane-beware: kemaskini telinga anda sebelum diperiksa! hahahahha...
Ermmmm esok bakal menjelma n i will have something important to be done tomorrow.. hope it will all goes well as planned... tell u when dis posting get updated nex time.. tunggu!!!!

This entry was posted on Thursday, May 29, 2008 at 11:23 PM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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