A New Day!  

Posted by HaRdIeX d bLoG

Haittzzz.. entri kedua yg aku coretkan kali ini.. ermm hari ini adalah hari khamis-29/5/08.. Ya Allah, sekejap sungguh hari-hari berlalu tanpa diri ini sedari akan perubahan waktu. Teringat lagi minggu lepas hari yg sama, kitorg ada community field visit-Nandini factory, alih-alih ni dah minggu depan. Ingatilah surah Al-Asr kawan2 sekalian. Sentuh sedikit mengenai field visit last week, ermmm menarik but meletihkan.. amat. Berjam2 menunggu apa yg diorg nak bagi. alih-alih sekotak susu badam yang diorg bagi.. adeh.. syukur..... hehehehhehe(dalam hati berlambak2 yg mengutuk-siap ade nak boikot lagi susu nandini lepas ni)
Yaaaa.. hari ni agak menarik utk dicoretkan malahan dah takde idea nak buat ape2 dah.. so tulis blog pon cam bes la gak kan.. So, today's started with d clinical posting- ENT.. ear nose and throat.. memang tak dinafikan la, dat this posting is d best so far compared to my previous posting- surgery, OBG, medicine.. why? sebab 1) dr2 yg friendly yg amat... Dr. Anita, Dr. Salman, Dr. Brinda and d PG-kakak amad, Dr. Pooja = sewius bes... 2) diorg sikit jer 4 org doktor and the place is quite small so lebey ukhuwwah org cakap.. hahahah.. sister pon sempoi jer.. siap nak masak lagi dekat kitorg sbb shafi buat lakonan menyedihkan.. so today's posting agak lain sket dari slalu.. although this is the 2nd week we are having this posting. hari ni dr. brinda tak buat kelas lecture but instead some of us pegi OT, and the others dier ajor care2 gune peralatan utk ENT... yaaa itu yg bes tu.. head light, otoscope, macam2 lagi la.. siap dapat direct teaching lagi.. medicine, surgery? tak dapat la direct2 camni sangat.. so gune head light tgk telinga, inspect idung, tekak.. otoscope tgk tympanic membrane-beware: kemaskini telinga anda sebelum diperiksa! hahahahha...
Ermmmm esok bakal menjelma n i will have something important to be done tomorrow.. hope it will all goes well as planned... tell u when dis posting get updated nex time.. tunggu!!!!

My FirSt EnTrY.......  

Posted by HaRdIeX d bLoG

My first entry... dah lamer sebenornyer niat nak buat blog ni timbul dalam hati ni.. namun.. nak wat camne.. takde masa (alasan tipikal org slalu bagi)... hurmm be4 dis i had tried to make a blog dekat friendster... however... it seems that friendster memang selaluu sengal.. ish2.. tensen gak.. it is actually at the beginning of this year the urgency to have a blog come.. donno why. might be that i have been really eager to write something as this whole 2 years of medicine had restricted me (not sure if it is true) from doing it. stakat jawab exam tu memang la writing gak kan, but that is not the case laa kan. dah cam gatal2 tangan ni nak menaip sesuker hati like having a diary.. my brothers had once also urged me to have a blog as a way of communication with them whose nun jauh di tanah air sana. So, setelah bertahun2 merantau di negara org ni.. akhirnya wujudlah juga blog ni.. tak tau nak guna bahasa ape.. kalo rojak ni mayB ramai yg akan marah sbb tak ade pendirian la ape la.. but then one thing for sure is my English is becoming rusty... i dont like it.. this is the prob when we are still together within our own community.. nak wat camne.. dah the whole first batch of IMS of Bangalore is Malay.. although tried, how long would you think for us to talk in English or maybe weirder Kannada or Hindi!.. Yenreee..
Banyak benda dah berlaku sebenarnya setelah 2 thn ade kat bangalore ni... terlalu banyak untuk di taip balik dalam blog ni.. hurmm terase susah plak nak tulis bahasa melayu dgn skema yg mungkin.. ini lah akibatnyer kalo suker ym n gune ayat2 mudah.. biler nak tulis dalam bentuk yg sebenarnya pon dah rase janggal... yaaa berbalik kembali kepada blog ni.. kenape baru skarang nak buat? knape tak stat awal2 lagi? jawapannya adalah.. second year ni although tougher then the first year, tapi still ade mase lagi nak berehat2 sekejap.. first year might be cause we have to take our time to adapt with the surroundings that is yeahhh different ( macam dok kat kelang... sebaik dah penah dok klang 2 thn). But that is not the only thing of course..
Bangalore... d silicon valley of India, garden city, etc.. banyak sangat pujian di hamburkan dekat tempat ni. Why did this place get all these penghargaan? lokasi dier memang dirasekan cukup strategik kerana tak sejuk sgt n tak le panas cam padang pasir. furthermore, this place compared to other cities in India can be claimed as the safest city. just see mumbai-although gah ngan bollywood but bom2 tetap ade... so, iam really bersyukur kerana di tempatkan utk belajar dkt sini. apetah lagi MS Ramaiah Medical College is known the whole India.. Terbukti beb.. aku g Jaipur org tanye blajo kat maner pon tau kolej ni.. wow.. dont think dat this college is damn famous.
Ermmmm... terlalu banyak sebenarnya bermain dalam kotak fikiran ketika ni. Namun, dek kerana mata sudah layu dan tangan pun sudah lesu utk meneruskan warkah ini, maka terpaksalah coretan pertama ini kuakhiri jua.. hahhahaha.. tak de idea.. SLaMAt MaLam. ZZzzz